LAPEAL has two important aspects of being for a lifetime and having universal scope. LAPEAL counseling includes all areas of life in every culture of life:
OFBGM WCOG by OFBGM WISDOM includes and is comprehensive of all life for all time periods.
OFBGM LAPEAL COUNSELING will start with OFBGM Web Store with the cultures of prison, community, and global counseling (LAPEAL counseling has a six month to several years of curriculum title outline that can be personalized to any counselor).
Prayer not only allows us to express our emotions for the best outlet, but reveals our acknowledgment of our finiteness and our Godhead’s infiniteness! OFBGM Prayer List Priority will develop with the advancement of OFBGM globally.
However, OFBGM Prayer List Priority will start with our OFBGM Business Briefs, OFBGM spirit or church counseling, OFBGM WCOG or OFBGM WISDOM counseling, and all other type settings for counseling if prayer is sought or accepted by the counselee.
The NT pattern of daily Christian fellowship in Jesus Doctrine will start after I can go full time to begin our Web fellowship.
God has commanded and required certain items and/or ways in worship assembly that are or may be different than outside the NT worship assembly context. Many times in the NT doctrine and pattern you notice the wording of hear the Word of God.
Hearing the word of God takes place in the weekly worship Assemblies by the preaching of a male NT WCOG preacher (2Ti1:8-15, 3:15-16; 1Cor14:23, 33-35; Ac2; 2Ti2:2; Mt28). Rather you can read or not, we are still required to hear the Word of God by dedicated NT gospel preachers who spend their entire lives studying/meditating, following, faithfully obeying, and living by every word of Jesus, the Word of both the OT and NT.
Every spoken Word of God from Jesus is God breathed or inspired by God the Holy Spirit (66 bible books), and God’s interpretation laws will be in OFBGM Manual entitled OFBGM LET GOD TALK TO YOU MANUAL.
God’s principles in both the OT and NT give the education of Jesus Word to the parents. However, the parents may use additional resources like the school system and church to supplement their training and leadership of God given responsibilities. Be praying and looking for OFBGM DEVOTIONAL MANUAL that covers 365 daily devotions written for a lifetime.